The long awaited and much vaunted Sackthology is finally up and available for all to see at Every single Myachi ever made is there along with complete stats on how many were made, when they came out, where they were made, sister sacks and relative trade value.

The Myachi world has been abuzz with appreciation for the Sackthology's sheer awesomeness, but I've also been getting a lot of questions about it so I wanted to throw down a quick FAQ about it. If you have any questions that I don't address here, please let me know in the comments section or through e-mail.
Where are the Pictures?
We opened up with only one picture loaded into the database but we're hard at work getting all the pictures loaded in. Adrian is busting his hump on it now and has already loaded several more in. That being said it's a huge project and there are a lot of pictures we don't yet have. We'll probably be calling out to some collectors to help us out with a few pics before it's all said and done.
What is the Trade Value?
One of the main reasons for assembling the Sackthology was to help out collectors when they were trying to figure out if a trade was fair or not. The Trade Value is an attempt to do exactly that. It's designed to give you a relative valuation of each Myachi.
It's actually pretty simple to use. If you want to compare two Myachis just look at the Trade Value of both. If both have relatively similar Trade Values (for example, one is a 26 and the other is a 28) then it's pretty close to a fair trade. If, on the other hand, one is way higher than the other, it isn't a fair trade.
Even if the Trade Values are way different you can still use them to create a good trade. If the Trade Value of two or three sacks is equal to the value of one sack then it would be a fair trade to trade those three for one.
How do the Filters work?
The Sackthology allows you to group Myachis so you can look up Myachis by color, fabric, series, year made or trade value. You can even look up (if you so choose), all green Myachis made in Pakistan in 2008.
Using the filters is pretty easy. You'll find the options in the upper right hand side of the page. Click the arrow by each option and scroll down to select what you want to see. Once you've set up all your options, click the "Apply" button and it will filter through all the Myachis to show you just the ones you are looking for.
Why can't I find my Myachi?
The Sackthology has a ton of Myachis, but it doesn't yet have every single Myachi ever made. If your Myachi does not show up on the Sackthology, it might be that it's so new it hasn't yet been added (at the moment none of the 5.0 sacks are up there). It may also be that you're looking under the wrong name. Some Myachis are known by a few different names so it could be the name you know is a nickname rather than the Myachi's "official" name.
Where is all the information?
When you look the overwhelming list of sacks you see only an overview of all the info. It tells you the name and the Trade Value, it has the pic (assuming you're looking at one of the few we've uploaded pics for) and it give you the first few sentences of the "bio" for each Myachi. If you want all the details, click the "+" icon to the right of the Trade Value and you'll open up a page that gives you all the details.
Why are some Myachis listed twice?
For collectors purposes, if a Myachi was released in two different series those two sacks will have slightly different Trade Values. A sack released in 4.0 and then rereleased in 4.1 wouldn't have a single Trade Value, but instead it would have a Trade Value for the 4.0 version and one for the 4.1 version.
Still other Myachis were released with wholesale differences. You might be surprised if you see the Black Butter sitting right there with a Trade Value close to a Blue Belt you might think there was an error. If you look a little deeper, though, you'll see that that is the Black Butter with a keychain loop.
Many of the Myachis are listed several times and you'll actually have to look at the details on each one to make sure that you have the Myachi listed. If you have an Red Line, for example, check the series number on it before you assign it a Trade Value. There's a huge difference between the various series it was released in.
I feel like some sacks are rarer than the Trade Value suggests. How are the Trade Values calculated?
The Trade Values come from a formula that weighs a few different aspects of each Myachi. The biggest factor is how old the Myachi is. The next biggest determining factor is how many were made. Adjustments are also made based on distribution (was it distributed nation wide or only in a limited area?) and whether it is a sack for a well known company.
That being said, actual values are determined in way more ways than can be captured in a simple formula. Some sacks are legendary jammers, some are just really liked in one circle of friends more than they are in general crowds of Myachi players. These types of things won't be reflected in the Trade Value.
Just keep in mind that Trade Value is a very general thing. You may like a Myachi a lot and thus personally value it more than the Trade Value suggests and that's fine. There's no law that says you have to make a trade just because the Trade Value is fair. The Trade Value is just there to give you a general idea of how rare Myachis are compared to one another.
Is there a way to jump to a particular Myachi?
At the moment there is no way to search out a Myachi based on the name of that Myachi. Because there is so much information it can be really hard to scroll through to find a particular Myachi. The easiest way is by filtering.
Just take what you do know about the Myachi and plug it into the filters before you start looking for it. Odds are about 100% that you know what country the Myachi was made in so start by selecting that country under the "origin" option. You'll also know what color it is and if it's a late series sack, you'll even know what series it came from. Once you select all this info, click "Apply" and the Sackthology will give you a smaller and more managable list that will make it easier to find your Myachi.
That being said, we're going to be adding a search feature to the Sackthology in the near future to make this a bit easier.
When I try to filter by series things get really weird... Why?
There are some issues with the "filter by series" option that we're working on fixing. The problem is that some Myachis were released in multiple series. Some of the time these sacks are listed multiple times, but if the individual sacks are indistinguishable from one another they're listed only once.
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Tell me that list above doesn't make perfect sense... |
There are actually quite a few of these Myachis. A sack released in two series before series 3.0 will show up in multiple series which weirds things up plenty. Since a Black Butter released in 1.0 is exactly the same as a Black Butter released in 1.1 or 1.2, the Black Butter will not show up if you select "1.0" on the filter and then click apply. Instead, it will only show you the sacks that appeared only in series 1.0.
We're working on making this a bit more user friendly, but at the moment it's really confusing and I'm sure it will mess a lot of people up between now and then.
I'm sure there are plenty more questions to tackle. These are just the ones that I've heard so far so by all means, keep the questions coming. Send them to me at or leave them in the comments section below. Same thing if you see a misspelling or something you believe to be an error.
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