Sunday, March 6, 2011

How I Became a Myachi Master: Part Three

by Crazy Ivan

(continued from yesterday... and the day before too I guess)

I have to admit that I was a little nervous the first time I ever stepped into the Myachi Mobile.  It was already packed with Masters all of whom were way better at the game than I was.  Now, that’s not a big deal by itself.  I’m sure they weren’t expecting me to outdo veteran employees on day one or anything, but I’m a juggler.  I take pride at being mad skilled with stuff so it was really humbling to step in and see all these guys throwing down such sick skill.

As the RV pulled out of the parking lot I took a seat next to this heavy set dude with short blond hair.  He introduced himself as Luke, “but everybody calls me Junior”.  He showed me a few moves and I went to work mastering them.  I didn’t want to be the least skilled person in the truck any longer than I had to be.

By the time we made it to Dollywood I had gotten pretty solid with the Spiderman and the Wolverine (the two moves Luke showed me) and I was starting to see some different variations I could try later.  We pulled in and Kid Myach showed me around and gave me the rundown of what we were supposed to do.

Afterwards, I must have been staring at him in disbelief because he had this weird look on his face, “Did you get all that?” he asked me.

I nodded slowly, “I think so… you’re telling me that all you want me to do is play with this Myachi and teach other people when they get interested?”


“And you’re going to pay me for that?”


I grinned.  “Man, I’d do that for free,” I said quietly.  I didn’t want to say it too loudly for fear that he would say, “okay”.

The first day went by quickly.  Junior took me on a tour of the park while it was slow and by the time we got back to the booth we were essentially rocking it out until they closed.  I was there a full 10 hours or so and it was hard work in the sun.  Still, it felt like the time flew by and before I knew it they were breaking things down and telling me to stop playing.

“We’re done?” I asked Kid Myach.

He nodded, “Tell you what, if you guys want, stop by the cabin tonight.  We’ll hang out, teach you some more tricks.”

I looked to Mojo and he nodded.  We’d just played Myachi for 10 hours and now we were voluntarily going to play some more.  We helped close things out and hopped in the Myachi Mobile.  Kid dropped us back off at my car so that we could change and clean up before heading out to their place.

When I sat down in my car I could feel my muscles aching but I couldn’t remember ever having that much fun and getting paid for it.

“This is gonna be a fun job,” Mojo said, “Shame it’s only for the summer.”

I shook my head, “He only hired us for the summer,” I corrected.  “That means that I’ve got exactly 7 weeks to convince him to hire me full time.”

Couple of quick notes to close out the story: First, in case you’re curious, yes, Myachi Man did eventually hire me on as a full time Myachi Master.  Second, if you’re wondering what happened to all those other Myachi Masters, well, obviously Kid Myach is still in the game.  Mojo didn’t think Myachi was a good fit for him long term, Butter left Myachi when he got out of college and got a job as a visual artist.

Oh, and Junior?  Yeah, he’s still around but he got too old for us to keep calling him Junior.  He goes by Animal these days.

1 comment:

  1. Such an awesome write-up Ivan! I remember that year like it was yesterday.
