Monday, March 21, 2011

The 1st Official Myachi You-Tube Tournament

by Crazy Ivan

The weather in New York City may beg to differ, but today is the first day of spring and with that festive occasion comes the announcement of the Myachi Spring You-Tube Tournament.

Make no mistake, there have been You-Tube contests before.  Monk has hosted a few and various Myachi Maniacs have offered sacks from their personal collections as prizes in the past.  But this will mark the first ever You-Tube tournament hosted and officially sanctioned by Myachi.

What that means is awesome prizes.  Check out the prize package that awaits out first place winner:

  • A Myachi Long Sleeve T-Shirt with the one of a kind Myachi Pocket,
  • A Myachi Baseball Cap or Beanie (winner's choice),
  • 3 Limited Edition Pakistan Myachis,
  • 6 glowsticks for night jams,
  • A retired Blister Pack Myachi autographed by the entire Myachi team.
That incredible Myachi prize package could be yours and don't tell anybody, but I'm actually kind of hoping that you'll win.  You deserve it more than all those other folks...

By now I'm sure you're jumping up and down with excitement and breathlessly awaiting the point where I tell you how to win all that great stuff, so I'll keep you in suspense no longer:

  1. Put together a video of you jamming with your Myachi.
  2. Upload that video to You-Tube.
  3. Tag that video with the words "myachi spring 2011".
  4. E-mail a link to or leave it in the comments section below this thread or in the appropriate thread on the Myachi Forum.
  5. Cross your fingers.
Once all the submissions are in, our panel of expert Myachi Masters will judge the videos based on a number of criterion and assign each video points on three different things: Skill, Creativity and Quality.  We'll double the score for skill and then add all the Myachi Masters scores together.  The video that earns the most points will be our winner and will win the all the groovy stuff listed above.  The 2nd and 3rd place winners will also receive a brand spanking new 5.0 Myachi of their choice.

There are a few rules, of course:
  • All submissions must be received no later than April 21st.
  • Videos must be original and cannot contain any copyrighted material or soundtracks in violation of copyright laws.
  • Videos must not contain any obscene or offensive images or audio.
  • Only new videos will be considered.  Any video you've uploaded before is not eligible for this contest.
  • Videos must be between 60 seconds and 3 minutes to be considered for the grand prize.
Double check those rules because we will be a stickler about all of them.  If your video is 55 seconds long or 3 minutes and 8 seconds, it will not be considered for the contest.  If you upload the video but neglect to send us notification via e-mail or blog comment we may not get it in time for the voting.

Keep in mind that the winner of this contest won't necessarily be the person who has the best skill with a Myachi, it will be the person who puts together the best video.  If your video is just you throwing down a shred in your bedroom you probably won't win.  We're looking for a video that includes multiple shots from multiple locations.  Creative editing and shot selection will earn you high points in the "creativity" and "quality" category and that can make the difference between winning and losing.

We'll be talking a lot more about this contest over the next month, but if you want some advice on how to put together an award worthy Myachi video, check out this article on making a great Myachi You-Tube video.  The article includes some videos that can serve as examples of the kind of video that will win this thing.

Good luck to everyone!  Winners will be announced on Saturday, April 23rd.

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