Friday, June 3, 2011

Myachigon Getting More Love

I will never forget the first time I went to Myachigon. To say it was amazing just wouldn't do it justice, so I figured it would be best just to tell the story.

It was the summer after my senior year. My last family vacation was approaching and it was my turn to choose where we would go. A year ago I had decided I wanted to learn to water ski. I wanted to ride the waves and ski my way through the summer, but my introduction to Myachi changed everything. After a year of learning tricks, jamming and collecting a total of 48 myachis, I knew where I would go, New York.

The trip to New York was slow. Tooooo slow. I felt like a little kid and wanted to ask, "Are we there yet?"... but I couldn't. My Mom sat beside me, and already slightly irritated that our vacation was determined by a "new version of a hackysack," it was best not to embarrass her. I sat in my seat like a good little boy and we finally landed.

Our first stop was the hotel, probably one of the nicest hotels I have been in, but I didn't notice. My mind was on one thing: myachi, myachi, myachi. As soon as I stepped out of the hotel, after throwing my bags on the floor, pushing my mom into the room, making her throw her bags down and sprinting to the elevator, I saw another kid jamming down the street and asked him where to find Myachigon. Little did I know, I was just 5 blocks away.

As I approached the VERY easy to find Myachigon, my heart raced with excitement. There were Maverick and Bones, both jamming. Maverick has been my idol since I first saw his jam in Washington Square, and meeting him was a dream come true. After he threw me a sack and I caught it, he said, "Not new to the game I see!" I laughed and replied, "Nah, I've been jamming for about a year now. It’s awesome to meet you." It was amazing to see how humble he was.

I looked at all the sacks they had, from the simple of simple to the rares of the rares. I offered to trade, but for not having a myachi shop around, I wasn't much to trade with. Little did that matter, I was so glad to be there. I bought 4 sacks on the spot and asked Maverick and Bones to sign my silver bullet. 
That day inspired me to train and train and train until I could become a Master. Myachigon not only changed my vacation, but inspired me to focus on Myachi. Myachigon was a place where I met tons of jammers, two masters and even got to show off a bit. Myachigon gave me pride, hope and a dream to cling to, and it was the place I spent the majority of my vacation at.

All good things must come to an end. And Myachigon is no exception to that statement. There is no doubt Myachigon was a good thing. It inspired thousands of people to join the best game in the world. It was a place to mingle, a place to trade and a place to learn. It will be greatly missed and never forgotten.

-Myachi Shogun

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