Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pets at the House of Skills

by Crazy Ivan

Back in the days of the Myachi Mobile, pets were obviously out of the question.  A dog might have managed that much travel, but having to look after one while spending ten hours a day at an event wasn't very plausible.

But now we've got the House of Skills.  Kid is allergic so much to Monk's dismay we don't have a dog (though he never stops trying).  Pinky and I, however, do have a couple of cats.  They're usually secluded in our downstairs apartment, but they are doubtless still members of the House of Skills.

That being said, they have to have some skills.  We can't just go letting them off easy just because they're animals.  Luckily, Pinky has a way with Animals that's pretty darned impressive.  Sorry for the poor lighting, but I think you can make out all the details just fine:

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