Friday, April 1, 2011

Myachi and Music

by Crazy Ivan

Myachi has always been intertwined with music.  In many ways, Myachi is like a form of dance so a lot of people who play the game like to jam to music or even choreograph Myachi routines to their favorite tunes.  The game itself also has a rhythm and certain moves have very unique beats (think Subter-Fusion or Fu, for example).

But there are other connections as well.  One of the first places Myachi Man went to promote his idea was the concert circuit.  There were a lot of places he could have gone to teach the world the game, but going to concerts had the advantage that he also got to check out awesome music while he was spreading the word.  In fact, had it not been for this decision I probably never would have met Myachi Man.

It should come as no surprise that Myachi would be interwoven with music.  Myachi Man's dad is an uber-talented jazz pianist and his brother is actually a professional musician.  In fact, you can hear on of his brothers compositions in the earliest Myachi videos.  It's a simple little jingle that goes, "Oh you gotta feel it, Myachi... Myachi..." that the Masters sing every time we feel like picking on Myachi Man a little.

But there's really never been an official "Myachi Song".  We tend to use "Kung Fu Fighting" an awful lot and I will never hear Sublime's "Doin' Time" without picturing the Myachi video rolling behind it.  The groovy little riff we use in the old commercial has followed us around a bit and introduced us on the CBS Early Show and on Martha Stewart, but that hardly makes it the "official Myachi Song".

Well, today I heard a genuine contender.  It actually sprang up from the You-Tube contest we're currently hosting.  Our friend and loyal Myachi Maniac CMC put together a Myachi rap that had me laughing until I cried:

One of the really cool things about this is that before we announced the video competition I considered doing a contest where I would ask people to record a "Myachi Song".  I abandoned that idea because writing a song is a pretty huge undertaking and I wasn't sure how many entries we would get.  After seeing that video I'm strongly reconsidering...

By the way, if you want in on the video contest you still have a full three weeks to make it happen.  It's safe to say CMC is probably the front runner at the moment, but there is plenty of time to knock him out of that position.  We've already seen some great entries and I'm looking forward to seeing more.

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