Friday, March 4, 2011

Myachi's Online Community

by Crazy Ivan

The big thing in business right now is social media marketing.  Over the last 3 months I've barely been able to do a Pendulum without accidentally kicking somebody who wants to pitch me on their social media marketing program.

I've sat through a couple of their pitches now and it's great if you had some extra yawns you needed to get rid of.  It's acutally kind of sad to listen to the details, though.

See, these people are what we call "fashionably late".  Over the last few months all the fat cats and CEOs suddently noticed the Internet and decided they could start ringing some more cash out of it.  Of course, there was an army of people in the waiting ready to trade them a bunch of promises for cold hard cash.

The idea is that these companies and contractors offer to take over your Facebook page, your Twitter account and your You-Tube channel and bring you followers and subscribers in droves.  They'll spin you a really convincing tale of how they managed to get a million likes for "being kicked in the shins" and you're supposed to say, "well I need me some of that."

Forgive me if I sound a little dismissive about the whole thing.  The fact is that Myachi has been doing Social Media Marketing as long as anyone.  We've relied on the Internet to drive the movement since the very beginning and we take a lot of pride in our online community.

The first Myachi forum was already well established when I got into the game back in '03.  We've had an active online force of Maniacs ever since.  Before we could even get to FB somebody had already started a Myachi fan page (same with Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, etc.) and even now our FB presence outperforms virtually every company our size on the planet.

So think of this entry as a thank you for all the long term Manaics out there that have been more than willing to help us take over cyberspace.  It felt really good to teach a couple of these "experts" a thing or two about online marketing.  I actually had a lot of fun with one of them the other day.

"We'll help boost your You-Tube views," he promised.

"How you gonna do that?" I asked, "You gonna shoot some Myachi video?"

"Well, no..." he admitted, "but we'll help forward the videos kids are already making and push them to go viral."

Because apparently this guy things going viral is something that you can schedule.

He starts talking about forums and about how we need to be active on forums that are related to Myachi.  I start listing the forums I'm active on, "Like this yo-yo forum, this footbag forum, this juggling forum, this toy-marketing forum, this SEO forum, this..."

He cuts me off to talk about Twitter.

"What about Wikis?" I ask.  "Can you handle Wikis and Q&A sites for us?"

He kind of stumbles over his prepared pitch a little bit.

"We'll be in touch," I told him.  I hope he's not still waiting.

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