Saturday, May 21, 2011

Prepping for the Party

by Crazy Ivan
Munching a quick egg and cheese on a roll at HQ.  Mav and I are hanging out all day but we've got a pretty massive birthday party starting in about an hour and a half.  Nearly 30 Maniacs are going to fill up the headquarters and we'll be going loud for a couple of hours.

Of all the things we do as Myachi Masters, birthday parties are one of my favorites.  Unlike demonstrating in the stores there's no pressure to sell anything so you don't have to worry about hitting a number.  Unlike schools there's no pressure to teach anyone because everybody already knows how to play.  Unlike after-school clubs there's no limit to how crazy you can get because there are no teachers poking their heads into the room and telling you to quiet down.

And unlike virtually everything else we do, parties are only a couple of hours long.  If I'm gonna do 8 or 10 hours on the sales floor, I'll be giving it about 90% all day.  Sure, when things really pick up I'll ramp up my efforts, but it would be all but impossible to rock it out 100% all day.  I'd burn out halfway through the shift and be worthless by the end of the day.

But at a birthday party I can be all energy.  It's okay if I'm beat at the end.  I mean, sure, I'll still be at the office with Mav for the next four and a half hours, but the most stressful thing I'll do for the rest of my workday is play a game of ping-pong or two.

So what does that mean in practical terms?  It means that whatever anybody wants, I can pretty much give them.  Wanna do some trades?  You bet.  Game of MYACH?  No problem.  Golf contest?  You got it.  Big air?  Line it up.  Game of Fu?  Sure thing.  Give you all my rares?  Give me a break.

Most of the time I have to say no to some things.  If I'm at the Myachigon I usually have to turn down a game of Fu (unless it's a really slow time of year).  If I'm at a school club I might not be able to do a big air contest.  If I'm at a bar mitzvah I'm probably not going to be able to play a game of Fu.  If I'm at a theme park, I probably didn't bring my tradables.

The only thing I worry about during a Myachi birthday party is that I don't have too much fun.  If I'm not careful, I might have more fun than the birthday boy/girl and that's no good.

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