Okay, so first the primer. For those who are unaware, for the last 6 years or so, I've been working on cataloguing every single Myachi ever produced. I've been gathering information from old invoices, sales sheets, shipping manifests and archives of myachi.com to gather every imaginable detail about every Myachi ever made.
I finished this herculean task about 7 months ago with an enormous database of over 500 different types of sack. The database included number made, relative trade value, number in circulation, year released, series, sack type, fabric type, sister sack and more. We hoped to have the whole thing indexed in a searchable database when we launched our new website, but the task was a bit too big and I was unable to finish it in time.
But we didn't exactly abandon our plans. We've been getting a lot of questions from the eager collectors who I have mercilessly teased for years by dangling the promise of this all-inclusive "sackthology" and I finally have something pretty exciting to report.
It's almost done. The majority of the programming is done and the info has been uploaded. Unfortunately there we don't have the majority of the pictures of the Myachis loaded up. Our visual maestro Adrian K is hard at work taking care of that problem so I believe the sackthology will be up and running as soon as he is finished.
I don't yet know how much is left to upload but it seems like a lot. It may still be a week or longer before the whole thing is ready to go, but I will keep everyone posted here on the Myachi Blog so at the very least you'll know as much as I do.
And now for the long awaited tease. Take a long look at the pic below, which is intentionally rendered ridiculously big. All of this info will be available for every Myachi ever made. Every Myachi ever made. You'll be able to filter the list by color, series, year and more.
But there's a problem.
It's not an insurmountable obstacle or anything, but it is kind of telling of my relative ignorance when it comes to operating this blog.
For some reason, the blogspot service refuses to upload the screen shot I took of the new Hall Of Fame "Sackthology" graphics. I tried a couple of different ways but for some reason the pic was rejected.
Not to worry.
There was still a potential recourse.
But it would require me writing every sentence as though it were its own paragraph for a few moments.
I'll explain, but first let me apologize for all the suspense.
I loaded the pic onto photobucket and that server loves me more than blogspot's so it loaded fine. I couldn't drop the photo in using Blogspot's software, but I could embed it using the html code that photobucket provided.
I know, I know, who cares.
Well, there's a good reason for me to go into so much detail.
When I did that, the pic that it rendered was so big that it was overwritten by the sidebar of the blog. All the followers and "search this blog" stuff was actually slapped right across the front of my awesome pic.
That would not do.
Now, if I was computer savvy I'd have edited the HTML code and rendered a smaller version of the pic or overwritten the other stuff. The pic is totally worth doing that over and I don't want you to have to squint to see it.
I opted for a really cheap way to overcome the problem instead.
I just wrote so much blog that by the time that you got to the pic there would be no more sidebar to worry about.
And it helped to build the suspense for when you finally got to the picture...
About one more sentence should do the trick.

Now tell me that wasn't worth the read...
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