Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Commercial Shoot Part One

by Crazy Ivan

Here I sit, typing as quietly as I can.  Less than 15 feet away from me Myachi Man is sweating under some heavy lights and repeating his line over and over while they try to work out the kinks on the camera.  In the game room just beyond many of the world's greatest Myachi players are trying their best to keep quiet.

Mantis, Iceman, CM, Jacksib and their various siblings are chilling right now waiting for their turn to jump in front of the black box and throw down.  Unfortunately, right now we're in "hurry up and wait" mode.  Everybody was mad stoked about being here, but like most things we look forward to it turns out to be a lot more boring than we expected.

I have a bit of an advantage; I've done this before.  Back in 07 we filmed the last commercial and we eagerly anticipated it for weeks.  MM, Kid and I all stayed up late every night reworking the script, practicing our tricks and working out so we could be buff for the camera.  Of course, once we got to the shoot we abandoned the script, did completely unexpected tricks and wore long sleeved shirts.

The point is that we're getting exactly what I expected.  We're spending a lot of time teaching each other new tricks and challenging one anothers aim but mostly we're whispering and tip-toeing so that our footfalls don't interfere with the soundtrack for the commercial.  I have a suspicion that we will enjoy the memories of today more than we enjoy the day itself.

It has been really cool, though.  This is the first time I've met Jacksib and after watching all his great YouTube videos I feel like I already knew him.  He's a pretty cool dude but I can hardly tell because since he got here we've been in whisper mode.  The sound issue also means we have to keep our drops to a minimum so nobody's trying the tough stuff.

One of those awesome videos I was talking about.

There's not much to report yet, but I'll get back on later today and fill in some of the details, complete with photos and hopefully a behind the scenes video or two.  Apparently my typing is getting too loud because the production guys are starting to give me dirty looks.

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