Saturday, February 26, 2011

10,000 Myachi Question

by Crazy Ivan

Alright, first let me set this up with a paragraph's worth of explanation:

As many of you know, there was a packaging problem with the 5.0 series so we've had to crack open the entire advanced shipment and send it off to be repackaged.  Pinky, Kid Myach and I spent much of the past week opening up thousands and thousands of Myachis and on Monday they will be carted off to be repackaged.

That means that until 9 in the morning on Monday, there are ten thousand Myachis opened and unpacked in the HQ.  That's about twenty three times the size of my entire collection.

So the big question is, what would you do if you had 10,000 Myachis for one day?  This afternoon Monk and I stacked them all in a giant pile just to see what that many sacks would look like (pics and video coming tomorrow) but there has to be some other cool stuff to do.

I'm looking for ideas and I'm looking for them soon!  We have to ship these suckers out Monday morning so I only have one more day.  Give me a suggestion and if it's possible Mav and I will do it tomorrow and put a video on YouTube.

Should we make Myachi forts?  Should we make a life size replica of a person entirely out of Myachis?  Should we stack them 3 by 3 all the way to the ceiling?

If you have an idea, please leave it in the comments section below or email me at and do it quick!

PS If your idea involves me mailing all those Myachis to you, that's cool but I'll need about $50,000 shipping and handling.


  1. you can make myachi walls and maverick will crypto over them.

    get 10,000 people for an epic game of Fu

    roll in them of course

    have them tossed to you see if you can catch a myachi 10,000/10,000 times

    bury someone in myachis (im thinking pinky. not to be mean but it would probably be the funniest)

    recreate the myachi package except myachi walls instead

  2. You should totally roll around in them Scrooge McDuck style. Build forts and have a "Myachiball" fight. Pile them high and have a high jump competition. The possibilities are endless. I second the burying someone in a nice pile as well. :-)
