Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What Happened to the Wednesday Quiz?

by Crazy Ivan

Alright, so if you've really been paying attention over the last couple weeks, you've noticed that I haven't posted a Wednesday quiz in a while.

As much as I'd love to say that I was just slacking or absent-minded, it's actually worse than that.  Been having no end of trouble with "fanappz" (the app I use to make the quizzes) so I've been able to write the quiz out for several weeks straight and I've been able to go to all the trouble of uploading the images, double-checking the answers and writing out the responses.

And then when I click the "publish" button it all goes horribly wrong.

Sent an email out to their support, but we all know how slow a process that can be.  My hope is that I'll have a quiz for you next week (and I have plenty of ideas for them since I've been saving up for almost 3 weeks now) but I can make no promises.

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