Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Two Sides of Myachi

by Shogun

There are two sides to Myachi I believe. One side is probably more exciting than the other, depending on what type of Maniac you are, but never the less, each side has its perks. One side takes skill, practice and determination, while the other takes love for the game, memories, love and a little bit of money. 

Hopefully you know what I am talking about; jamming and collecting. I myself am not only a jammer, but a collector. My collection is slowly expanding, now including a Punk Pink Leopard and a Bengal Tiger (as I am a big fan of animal prints), as well as some personal unique sacks, like a Silver Bullet signed by Rush of Fools, a Christian band that played at Centrifuge and Exfuge, a Church Camp I went to last week. Collecting has really gotten me into the game, which is why I chose to focus on it in this blog post.

We all got into the game some way or another. I was introduced about 4 years ago momentarily, but really got into the game about 5 months ago. I remember my first sack, a Gang Green, and how I lost it in school one day (or someone stole it). I can remember having 4 or 5 sacks taken from me in class, only to be returned once the lesson was over. Coincidentally, these sacks have remained in my collection, never to be jammed with again, simply because they have sentimental value to me. Frankly, I would consider my Silver Bullet more valuable than the Guatemalan Wallet, simple because it means something to me, rather than having a rare value or fiscal properties. My love for the game also brings my love of memories IN the game, which is what got me into collecting sacks.

Obviously in collecting, there are some sacks you just get because they're rare. My favorite sack, and one I have never had, is a Blue Fish. Its slick design and cool texture brings a fun feel to itself, but is also one of the rarest sacks ever to be made. Some sacks sell online for over $200, which may seem unreal to people like me, but it is exciting to wonder what my Houndstooth or Six Flags would be worth someday as they get more rare and a lot older. I look at Myachis the same way people look at model cars, they are fun to play with when you're young, and awesome to collect as you get older because money comes into the picture.

I, at 17, have began to consider the fiscal side of Myachi like an economy, but have always kept my love for jamming. It is possible to be a collector and a jammer, and although I am just beginning as both of those, I think I am a prime example of the validity of a dual-purpose Maniac. I encourage everyone to trade, buy and sell sacks, simply to spread the word and spread the excitement. My Zoot Suit may not be a super-rare myachi, but I like to jam with it and my friends like the look of it. My Forum Sack is an amazing jammer I'm sure, but will remain in its diaper because it is a collectible. One day, I'll have people asking me for good jammers and collectibles, which is amazing. One day, we'll all be the New Elders of the game, teaching others the new tricks and telling stories about our sacks.

I say all that to say this: Save your sacks or trade them. Don't give up on the game. There are 2 sides to being a Maniac and part of it is keeping the tradition going. We all play a crucial role in the game and every member is special in his or her own way. Always remember to STWAKOJ, but also KTDG: Keep the Tradition Going.

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